Class Descriptions
We Offer a Wide Variety of:
Formats and Intensity Levels
Choreography or None At All
Cardio Only, Strength Only, Stretch Only
Bootcamps and Combined Cardio / Strength Classes
High Intensity Interval Training or Steady State Cardio
Classes Using a Lot of Equipment, or None at All
There is Something For Everyone!!
Snippets of Each Workout Are Available
To View When You Click On A Class From a Desktop.
You Can Always View Before Selecting!
4 Quads, 8 Rounds
1 Minute Cardio
1 Minute Lower Body
1 Minute Upper Body
1 Minute Core
​This 12 Week Program is Designed To Get Progressively More Intense Both Within the Individual Workouts As Well As Over the 12 Week Period.
The Cardio Begins Easier and the Strength Minutes are Isolation Exercises. As the Weeks Progress, the Lines Start to Blur Among the Minutes and You Move Into Harder Cardio as Well as Compound Strength Moves.
8 Rounds of Classic Hi/Lo Moves
performed with the Right leg leading, then the Left.
Class ends with repeating 8 Rounds all on the right side,
​then all 8 rounds on the left side.
​(Considered the Bonus Round in Online Videos)
Evening in person classes will end with Core work
​Pace is 145 Beats per Minute
The Online Classes of this format are so Versatile!
If you're short on time or not feeling your best,
You can do all 8 rounds for a 30 - 35 minute
Quick and Dirty Workout. If You're good to go,
do the Bonus and you have a 50-60 minute workout!
While not as basic as the tutorials, these workouts are pretty straight forward and there is nothing fancy added.
​Combinations are built, but we take a little more time learning them and string them together a little more slowly.
Been doing step for a long time?
Raise the step height for a more intense workout at a slower pace.
Pace ranges from 125 - 128 Beats per Minute
8 Rounds of Step moves performed with the Right leg leading, then the Left.
Class ends with repeating 8 Rounds all on the right side,
then on the left.
​(Considered the Bonus Round in Online Videos)
​Pace is 135 Beats per Minute
The Online Classes of this format are so Versatile! If you're short on time or not feeling your best,You can do all 8 rounds for a 30 - 35 minuteQuick and Dirty Workout. If You're good to go,do the Bonus and you have a 50-60 minute workout!
Classic Step Combinations
A typical class consists of building up 3 combinations, then stringing them together.
Blasts may be thrown in to clear your brain and work a little harder.
​Evening Hour classes will end with Core work.
(Ha! Ha! my evening people hate step so an evening step class will never happen!)
Pace is 132 Beats per Minute
High Intensity Interval Training
Work as hard as you can for a specified period of time
(i.e 40 seconds)
Recover for a specified period of time
(i.e. 20 seconds)
Repeat these interval cycles for about 4 - 6 minutes,
​then enjoy a longer recovery/break.
Class styles vary as well as timing configurations and training techniques.
​More specific descriptions will be posted on weekly calendars for in person classes and complete descriptions are given for Online classes.
A Perfect Add-On to Any Other Video or A Perfect Way to End Your Week!
Each Video is approximately 15-20 minutes in Length and Consists of a Variety of Techniques, such as:
Using Equipment, Such as Stability Ball or Band
Yoga and Mobility
Standing, Seated, Lying
For the Back, For the Arms, For the Legs
In Person Stretch is usually the 3rd Friday Morning of Every Month​
Kicking and Punching Combinations
A typical class consists of building up 3 combinations, then stringing them together.
Blasts may be thrown in to clear your brain and work a little harder.
Evening in person classes will end with Core work.
​1lb Kickboxing Gloves are recommended, but not required.
Pace ranges from 135 - 140 Beats per Minute
8 Rounds of Kickboxing moves
performed with the Right leg leading, then the Left.
​Rounds usually alternate between Punching and Kicking to give Upper/Lower Body a break while the other is working hard.
Class ends with repeating 8 Rounds all on the right side,
​then on the left.
​(Considered the Bonus Round in Online Videos)
​Evening in person classes will end with Core work
​Pace is 145 Beats per Minute
The Online Classes of this format are so Versatile! If you're short on time or not feeling your best,You can do all 8 rounds for a 30 - 35 minuteQuick and Dirty Workout. If You're good to go,do the Bonus and you have a 50-60 minute workout!
3 Rounds Consisting of the
​3 Fast Freestyle Formats We Have Come to Love:
Round Breakdown:
A) Fast Freestyle Hi/Lo
B) Fast Freestyle Kickboxing
​C) Fast Freestyle Step
3 Bonus Rounds Rebundling These Formats
The Online Classes of this format are so Versatile!
If you're short on time or not feeling your best,
You can do the 5 rounds for a 30 - 35 minute
Quick and Dirty Workout.
If You're good to go, there are 3 Bonuses.
​Do 1, 2, or all of them!
Straight Forward, No Frills Strength Training
In person: Weekly Schedules will highlight which Page in our workbooks we'll be doing. You can review which muscle groups and training techniques we'll be applying so you can come ready to grab the equipment needed and weights appropriate for you to get the party started!
Online: Each Workout is Titled with its corresponding Workbook Page Number so you know exactly what you're getting into!
​It is highly recommended, but not required, that you record your results and track your progress in the workbook.
These Workouts are Designed to Give You Both Strength Training and Cardio With Dynamic Movement with Weights, or Circuit Style Cardio Blasts, Then Strength Training.
This Format Comes in Many Varieties:
Mish Mash Boot Camp
Mish Mash Bootcamp on the Step
Bootcamp Boogie
HIIT Bootcamps
PHA Training
Cardio Complexes
Each Workout consists of:
20 - 30 minutes of Cardio
30 - 40 minutes of Strength Training
Each workout is coupled to maximize both Fat Burning capabilities and further tax muscle groups that were used during the Cardio portion.
Meant to be done as 1 Workout and 1 Series, doing all four of these videos gives you a plan of exercise for the week.
However, You Can Break These Up Into 4 Short Cardio Classes and 4 Short Strength Classes for 8 Days Worth of Workouts.
Learn the basic moves at a slower pace to acclimate yourself to the step.
There are 4 Tutorial Workouts that build upon one another. Mastering all 4 of these workouts will make you a stepping genius!
Tap Up, Tap Down Transitions
Basic Variations, Knee Straddle, Charlestons, Around the World
Variations and Directional Changes to Alternating Knees & Repeaters
Marches, Mambos, Stomps, & Cha-Cha's​
Pace ranges from 125 - 128 Beats per Minute